L U K Y   7 E V E N
A project is real and, as not strange, works, tested on itself.

It is needed to send for 1$ on purse in the system of libertyreserve

1 U5770237
2 U5881664
3 U3361758
4 U7561208
5 U2477765
6 U2140712
7 U6886668

And similarly to mail a letter on in a letter to specify from what and on what purses sent money. In reply a letter must come you about that you regestration in the system of LUKY 7EVEN and you accept fate in drawing of prizes. Main prize 100 000$

Farther you need to do following. To delete the first purse, and into his place to put second, into place of second third and so lal'she, on seventh put the purse:

1 U5881664
2 U3361758
3 U7561208
4 U2477765
5 U2140712
6 U6886668
7 U-------

It is further needed to do delivery of the purses on forums, blogs et cetera
Thus you not only you participate in drawing 100 000$ but also to the semicouple quite good money for participating in a pyramid, will count up, if you will find 5 persons that to the semicouple not so large sum in 5$, if these 5 persons will find for 5 persons you will get 25$, and when your purse will head the list that on him will be imposing sum.

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